In Christ alone
Humans are sinners. We were born this way–broken, wretched, separated from God. We wronged God and all deserve death. My pride is just as wretched as the “worst” sins you’ve heard people name and I speak this from a place of humility, knowing that I too am in need of grace. The good news is God sent His only son Jesus, fully God and fully man, down to earth to die a horrific death in our place. Our sin was a debt we could not possibly repay; Jesus came to pay that price in our place. Anyone who confesses that Jesus is Lord and believes that he was raised from the dead will be saved. It is a free gift (Romans 6:23). Following Jesus does not mean that you will never have any problems. Jesus said that his followers would have many trials in this world, but to rest knowing He has overcome the world (John 16:33). Jesus calls us to repent and follow Him. He asks us to die to ourselves and to our own desires, but in turn, He gives us a gift far greater than anything we ever could imagine.
Friend, you are welcome on my page no matter where you are. You are loved here. And because of the intense love I feel for you, I will always share because I want you to have this hope too.
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